Monday, January 4, 2010

Nicholas and Wilmot Randall Edgecombe

Nicholas Edgecombe
born: 1592 Plymouth, Devon, England
died: March 1681 Saco, York, Maine
married: May 1, 1643 Black Point, Scarborough Maine
Wilmot Randall
: between 1620 - 1626 in ? (LDS lists her as being born in "Blue" Point Maine. Several other, more reliable records -including the ship's manifest- show her traveling to Black Point Maine from England, via the ship "The Samuel" in 1638. Which would mean she was most likely born in England. Also, the birth and marriage place listed "Blue Point" on is also an error. It should be Black Point.)
died: June 1685 Scarborough, Cumberland County, Maine

Nicholas Edgecombe was one of 114 passengers who traveled to Maine in 1637. He traveled aboard the ship, "The Hercules". Most of the passangers, including Nicholas, were men (only 5 were women) who were coming to America to earn money as fisherman. Of the 114 people who came to Maine that year, only 65 stayed and settled in Maine. Nicholas worked as a fisherman for John White on Richmond Island from 1638 - 1641.
Wilmot Randall traveled to Maine from England in 1938 aboard the ship, "The Samuel". She became a servant for John White's family apon her arrival.
Nicholas was very enamored with the young Wilmot and asked John White to release Wilmot as a servant before the end of her contract. John White refused, so Nicholas purchased her unexpired time so that they could marry.
The following reference to Wilmot Randall and Nicholas Edgecombe is taken from the book: Maine Pioneer Settlements by Herbert Milton Sylvester
About the time of Robert Jordan's coming there was in the family of Winter a maid whose charms were not less seductive than those of the lissome Sarah, the fair-haired Wilmot Randall, in whose mischievous eyes was the purple of the English violet and upon whose cheeks was the bloom of the English rose, and in whose rounded lines were concealed the suggestive and delicious mystery of girlhood merging into the perfections of a youthful and lovely womanhood. This English flower came over in Winter's little ship, and in Robert Jordan's company, and it is somewhat singular that Jordan should have escaped the glamour of her beauty. It is evident that Cupid had otherwise decreed. Once at Richmond's Island she bound herself out to Winter as a maid servant for a term, which was later to be summarily terminated.
Among these was young Nicholas Edgecomb, of kinship with the famous English family of the name. It was this young Edgecomb who was to tinge the cheeks of the lovely Wilmot Randall with a ruddier hue. Cupid sent his shaft to its mark at the
first bend of his bow. What a delicious bit of romance, could one get at even its ravellings to pull out here and there a thread! Winter promptly frowned upon
the advances of the amorously inclined Edgecomb, and in this he was promptly abetted by his resourceful spouse, who possibly had left her own romance back in Old England in the garret, as one of the "worn outs" to be discarded. Mrs. Winter
was, evidently, of a shrewish disposition, and one can imagine the espionage, the jealous, duenna-like predacity that fell to the lot of this, to young Edgecomb, charming girl. Plead as he would, Edgecomb was unable to obtain a release of the bond-maid, so he purchased her freedom outright, after which the course of
their wooing undoubtedly went with that smoothness that he carried off his
treasure triumphantly; and, once at the Saco settlement, between them
they laid the foundation of a numerous Edgecomb family, with here and
there another Nicholas and a fairer and sweeter Wilmot, if such were possible.
How we're related:
Jessica B Brown --> Virginia Sorenson (living) --> Hazel June Butterfield (living) --> Thomas Solomon Butterfield (1882 -1964) --> Thomas Jefferson Butterfield II (1853 - 1926) --> Mary Jane Parker (1817 - 1901) --> Hannah Edgecomb (1784 - 1818) --> Thomas Edgecomb II (1758 - 1842) --> James Edgecomb (1734 - 1776) --> Thomas Edgecomb I (1698 - 1778) --> Robert Edgecomb (1656/57 - 1730) --> Nicholas Edgecombe (1592 - 1681) & Wilmot (Willmott) Randall (1620/1626 - 1685)


  1. I can hardly read the text because the back ground is so dark but We are related through Mary Jane Parker and Thomas J. Butterfield. I would like to make contact if possible and see what you have on the edgecomb and parker lines

  2. i do have family from nicholas edgecombe side. im not sure how far apart i am from him
